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Title: Talking Problems Studies of Discursive Construction
Authors: D. Cahn, Dudley
Keywords: Ascribing Problems and Positionings
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: United States of America
Description: The idea for this book grew out of conducting a series of studies that dealt with talk about problems of various sorts—problems of being a teenage parent in high school, problems of interpersonal relationships during therapy, and problems of racism and interracial relations on a university campus. In each of these contexts, some critical evaluation gets articulated by participants such that certain actions, events, or states-of-affairs are taken as problems. These problem formulations open up a variety of responses, positionings, and remedies from participants. How such problems are told, oriented to, criticized, and accounted for—in short, talked about—will be the foci of these studies.
ISBN: 0-7914-5895-4
Appears in Collections:Building Construction

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