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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 601 to 620 of 1326
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Games, Norms and Reasons Logic at the CrossroadsBenthem, Prof. Johan van
2011Transcendentalism overturned from absolute power of consciousness untilTymieniecka, Prof. Anna-Teresa
2011Virtue Ethics for Women 1250–1500Green, Karen
2011Handbook of philosophical logic 2nd edition volume 15Gabbay, Prof. Dr. Dov M.
2011Handbook of philosophical logic 2nd edition volume 16Gabbay, Prof. Dr. Dov M.
2011Morning hours lectures on god’s existenceDahlstrom, Daniel O.
2011Vagueness: A GuideRonzitti, Dr. Giuseppina
2011Argument Structure Representation and TheoryFreeman, James B.
2011Commentary on the principles of thermodynamics by pierre duhemNeedham, Paul
2011Logic, Mathematics, Philosophy Vintage EnthusiasmsDeVidi, David
2011Otto Neurath and the Unity of ScienceSymons, Prof. John
2011Genomics, Obesity and the Struggle over Responsibilitiesl Korthals, Prof. Michie
2010Proof, Computation and Agency Logic at the CrossroadsBenthem, Prof. Johan van
2010Dynamic Formal EpistemologyGirard, Prof. Patrick
2011Philosophy, phenomenology, sciences essays in commemoration of edmund husserlIerna, Carlo
2011Reality and Negation – Kant’s Principle of Anticipations of Perception An InvestigationGiovanelli, Dr. Marco
2011On Art and Artists: An Anthology of Diderot’s Aesthetic ThoughtSeznect, Jean
2011Aristotle’s Modal Proofs Prior Analytics A8– 22 in Predicate LogicRini, Dr. Adriane
2011Machines of Nature and Corporeal Substances in LeibnizSmith, Prof. Justin E.H
2011Artistic Judgement A Framework for Philosophical AestheticsMcFee, Graham
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 601 to 620 of 1326