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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 281 to 300 of 2968
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Combined Stresses in PlantsMahalingam, Ramamurthy
2016Helical Wormlike Chains in Polymer SolutionsYamakawa, Hiromi
2016Heat Shock Protein InhibitorsR. McAlpine, Shelli
2016Handbook of Maleic Anhydride Based MaterialsM. Musa, Osama
2015Cell Polarity 1Ebnet, Klaus
2015Cardiac CytoarchitectureEhler, Elisabeth
2016Handbook of Food Processing EquipmentSaravacos, George
2015Biosemiotic Perspectives on Language and LinguisticsVelmezova, Ekaterina; Kull, Kalevi
2015Bioprinting in Regenerative MedicineTurksen, Kursad
2016Growth and Form of Self-organized Branched Crystal Pattern in Nonlinear Chemical SystemChattopadhyay, Jayeeta
2015Bioinspired Smell and Taste SensorsWang, Ping; Liu, Qingjun
2016Group 2 Mediated DehydrocouplingJ. Liptrot, David
2015Biodiversity and Conservation of the Yucata´n PeninsulaAlexander Islebe, Gerald; Calme, Sophie
2015Biocontrol of Lepidopteran PestsSree, K. Sowjanya; Varma, Ajit
2016Grapes and HealthM. Pezzuto, John
2015Basic Steps in Geostatistics: The Variogram and KrigingA. Oliver, Margaret; Webster, Richard
2019Functional Properties of Traditional FoodsKristbergsson, Kristberg
2015BambooLiese, Walter; Ko¨hl, Michael
2015Bacterial Metabolites in Sustainable AgroecosystemK. Maheshwari, Dinesh
2015Atlas of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells in CultureHealy, Lyn; Ruban, Ludmila
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 281 to 300 of 2968